We established the Karate-Do MAC Sri Lanka Branch on April 1, 2012, after cultivate a friendly relationship between the President Watanabe(Karate-Do MAC) and M A Somarathna for 3 years.
In April 2011, the Vise President; Mr.Ishijima and Aichi Branch chef; Mr.Takase went to Sri Lanka and local Karate Dojo, after that we started friendly exchange in earnest.
Shihan M A Somarathna had stayed in Japan from March 28, 2012 to April 4, visited every branch and got technical guidance from every branch chefs including the President Mr.Watanabe. And finally, Shihan M A Somarathna manages Karate-Do MAC Sri Lanka Branch as the responsible person. He repots to the Vise President Mr.Ishijima.
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